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Ketogenic Pet Foods

What is a Ketogenic Pet Diet?

In basic terms, a Ketogenic Pet Diet is predominant in protein and fat, and low carbohydrate. This natural diet encourages the burning of fats for fuel.


Given the ubiquity of carbohydrate-based foods in our modern society (for pets and people), think of a Ketogenic Diet as a fundamental departure from and avoidance of our society’s food norms: Bread, Pasta, Pizza, Candy, Pop, Chips, Donuts, Bagels, Potatoes, French Fries, Rice, Alcohol, etc.


This standard American fare and the commercial pet foods that follow suit promote a carbohydrate-based energy system. The body adapts to the consistent carbohydrate intake and identifies carbohydrates as its primary source of energy.


But because carbohydrate intake most often exceeds energy expenditure, the “leftover” carbohydrates convert directly to adipose tissue (fat). Moreover, the sugars metabolized from carbohydrates are like a dirty fuel to mitochondria resulting in an exhaust of a toxic stream of free radicals that injure tissue, impair immune function, and shorten health span.

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